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Ultimate Baby Gift-6 step guide from Silly Phillie

I am often asked for an opinion on what makes an ultimate baby gift.  I have designed many iconic baby gifts over the last 30 years as owner of Silly Phillie®. But I find it impossible to point to any one of those or any others as the “ultimate baby gift”. All baby gifts are special in one way or another. The more money spent on a gift the more impressive the gift becomes as a general rule.  I recently created a customized baby gift for a customer who wanted to spend $300. That’s considerably more than the average baby gift. The result was a fabulous gift everyone loved. You can look at it here.

Ultimate Baby Gift-“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”

Was that the ultimate baby gift?  Maybe maybe not. It actually depends on the joint perspectives of the gift giver and the recipient. You know the idiom ” beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. It’s also important to note that money alone is not the deciding factor in giving the ultimate baby gift.

The Ultimate Baby Gift Guide

Ultimate Baby Gift-Caterpillar Welcome Wagon

Uncommon Caterpillar Welcome Wagon Baby Gift

It is safe to conclude that there is no one ultimate baby gift.  I personally feel that an extraordinary baby gift must have all of the following things going for it to be considered truly special.

  • Uniqueness-Nothing impresses new parents more than a gift they haven’t seen before.  Uncommon baby gifts always make a lasting impression.
  • Functional-Parents need lots of things for a new baby, especially if its a firstborn child. Make sure your gift is functional and fills a need.
  • Superior quality-A gift is only as good as the quality of the product or products inside. Nothing ruins the impression of a baby gift more than inferior product quality.
  • Relevant theme-Look for a gift with a theme that’s meaningful to the new parents. If they are sports fans for example, a sports themed baby gift will be a big hit!
  • Personalized for babyNew parents love personalized baby gifts. It’s the extra special touch that makes a baby gift memorable.
  • Outstanding presentation- First impressions count. Look for a gift that has that “oh wow” factor but not at the exclusion of all of the above.

In conclusion. an ultimate baby gift comes down to one you love giving, and one the new parents need and appreciate.  Silly Phillie® specializes in creating made to order keepsake quality baby gifts.  Please think of us whenever you need to give a so called “ultimate baby gift” or simply one that stands out form all the rest! Phyllis Gordon S’Dao Owner/Designer-Silly Phillie®

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